It's time for another celebration. The bad guys
are falling--Bin Laden,
Hosni Mubarak, and now
Muammar Gaddafi.
Who's next?
From the beginning, man has believed the that God
is apart from himself. It's what I was taught and everyone I know.
An Eastern, more spiritual point of view, is that
man is God. When I first heard this some forty years ago I thought it to
be blasphemous and believed it to underrate God—to diminish him (I
believed God to be a him). But today I wonder that maybe man is under
rating himself, not God. After all if God is as we've been taught to
believe—all omnipotent—how could he ever be under rated by anyone? Why
would he even care?
Whenever a religious person is poised with such a
challenge, he goes to the scriptures? That's not something I'm going to
get into. Goddard Neville, (1905-1972) in the 1930's penned At Your
Command. In 2005 Dr. Joe Vitalie had it republished. This book is a “must
read”. Just go to Google and search for “At Your Command by Neville” and
it will pop up.
The question that has baffled humanity for all
time is “Why?”
Why in the world does God allow evil and bad
happenings? Why does God allow accidents to
happen? Why disease?
Why are mean hateful dictators like Muammar
Gaddafi allowed to go on living for forty years and those
we love taken from us? Why does God allow those such as
Muammar Gaddafi, or Hitler, or Bin Laden have influence
and power? The most popular
answer is that it's a test of faith or that we
are being tested by the devil. We'll take a deeper look
at this answer later.
The second most popular answer is that it is
“meant to be.” The problem with the last answer is that
those who ascribe to it have no options which easily
lead to psychophysiological illness—caused by stress.
This particular belief throws a crimp in any personal
change or personal growth problem and leaves one devoid
of a sense of self worth.
Perhaps there's an explanation. I would think that
God knows everything and I believe most would agree.
But what is “everything?”
Taking this to the ultimate, let's be practical
and ask if God would know everything about mathematics? I bet that
question threw you for a loop. I mean there's nothing in any bible with
which I'm familiar that talks about God's mathematical skills. Yet,
he/she/it is all knowing.
I can't quite get a picture of God standing in
front of a college classroom scribing out derivations of mathematical
equations to explain the universe, but, hey he/she/it is the universe. No,
we generally get a picture of God speaking through his followers in dreams
as they write them down and the subject matter is more about how to treat
and love others. Do we think that God is simply limited to the ten
commandments or other scriptures on how to treat other humans?
But let's get back to our God of mathematics. It
follows that he/she/it also knows all there is to know about biology,
physics, chemistry, and probability. Do you think that any human alive
knows more about these laws than God?
Now let me go way out on a limb and define God. I
mean the God of all religions, but the problem with this definition for
religion is that it doesn't explain religion which by the way if you trace
the word back in time means, “new ideas.”
Let's say that God IS the laws of chemistry,
mathematics, physics, biology, and probability. I always list probability
last as it is my least popular subject, but it is the one law that let's
all the other laws work.
Think about this for a moment. Are you not the
manifestation of all these laws? Are not the soil, rocks, and elements the
manifestation of these laws?
Mathematics was a favorite subject of mine in
college. I had a 4.0 average in the subject and maintained it all
throughout college. However, in my major, chemical engineering, I got lost
with differential equations (mathematics). My point is that mathematics is
in everything just as there's probability in everything, and physics in
every thing, and biology in chemistry and visa versa. Make sense?
It is the manifestation of God (these laws) that
has created everything we know today and the past such as dinosaurs. Every
life form has some form of intelligence with man being the highest.
God (the laws of
physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, and probability) has
brought about all forms of intelligence and life including single cell
organisms, skin parasites, nematodes, insects, reptiles, monkeys, mammals
and ultimately the human mammal.
Man is created in God's own image. The laws of
probability, physics, mathematics, biology and chemistry (God) created
Certainly there is no law that cares about any of
your choices you make in your personal growth and personal change—they
don't send you subliminal messages, but by the same token these very laws
do determine the end result of your choices.
The result of the toddler that leans too far out
the third floor window is determined by God (the laws of chemistry, physics, mathematics probability, and biology, which is gravity).
By the same token, the result of the father who is
hit by a drunken driver is because of God. There is no
reason for God to do this and the end result is that it
is ultimately up to the survivor of the tragedy to benefit somehow
from the tragedy. Profit from tragedy? That sounds insensitive, but the
alternative is to be stuck in depression and anger.
For example: A teen age derelict drunken driver
killed a young 17 yr old teen. The mother was engulfed with anger for
years and went to every court hearing to make sure the derelict was
punished to the maximum. At some point she had a realization—the derelict
with no sense of self worth was never given the opportunities her son was
given and she went on to adopt him (shortened version of the true story).
In his book, Neville never defines God as being
the laws of biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and probability.
With a detailed review of the Christian scripture he arrives at the same
conclusion—that no God exists who cares what happens to any of us, but
each of us, as God, do care. Before you get up in arms about my writings
being sacrilegious or atheistic, go read his book, At Your Command, and do
yourself a favor. He leaves no
stone unturned and it's only about 30 pages.
Because God (the laws of probability, mathematics,
physics, biology, and chemistry) exists in everything, then it makes sense
that everything is consciousness and is connected—even Hitler and Muammar
Gaddafi to each of us.
From a personal growth and personal change point
of view, the more limited our thinking, such as with Hitler and Muammar
Gaddafi (the extreme) there is a tremendous amount of strife, injustice,
and death. Call them killer
tsunamis, tornadoes, and earth quakes. The devastation created makes life
a miserable hell for thousands and thousands interfering with any personal
growth or personal change program to create self worth.
The manifestation of man is God. Man is therefore
God. God is man and man is defined as his beliefs. It's totally normal to
be happy with the riddance of people like Hitler, Bin Laden, and Muammar
Gaddafi from this world. Just like we can swear at a storm (God) that
takes loved ones from us, we can rejoice in Muammar Gaddafi's demise. His
limiting beliefs, which happen to be the manifestation of God, are what
has done these deeds. When he is eventually killed, his body only served
the end of a horrendous tornado or earth quake, or tsunami. It's the end
of a storm of consciousness that stifles human potential. Unfortunately
there are other ignorant Gods carrying on Muammar Gaddafi's storm of
consciousness (his limiting beliefs) yet with which to be dealt.
Those like Hitler, Muammar Gaddafi, Bin Laden, and
others have had a large (macro) affect on human conscious potential. On a
small (micro) level, those who believe that everything happens for a
reason, is swearing to their own limitations and they subterfuge their
sense of self worth. Truth is from a personal growth and personal change
point of view, things happen, disasters happen ,tornadoes happen, Muammar
Gaddafi happens because of how the laws of mathematics, probability,
biology, physics, and chemistry, (God) plays out in our every day lives.
Each of us have the choice to be destroyed or connect with universal
intelligence (God) and some how ultimately profit or simply move on. Just
as a tornado harnesses incredible amounts of energy, beliefs that sabotage
our human potential harnesses a tremendous amount of energy which is
likewise destructive--but all of it is God which ultimately doesn't care
whether we die, suffer from binging and obesity or any other health
problem, or prosper—naturally every one of us do care.
In summary, the more knowledgeable that we are
about the laws of physics, mathematics, probability chemistry, and biology
(God) the more prosperous and healthier our lives will be and just maybe
one day we can collectively know how to tame a killer tornado.
Richard Kuhns B.S.Ch.E. NGH certified, a prominent figure in Personal Growth and Personal Change at
with many self help mp3 downloads--where appropriate there are subminal messages to support progress.
He has several websites with materials for personal growth:
A Program for Building Self Esteem at
Also a specilaist in Emotional Eating his goal is to provide all the tools one needs to successfully deal with emotional eating.
For more information about his book, The Scale Conspiracy, please visit to stop
Weight Management CD program to Conquer Emotional Eating at
Complete program to Over Come Panic Disorder wth Agoraphobia at
Wholesale Pendulums for self discovery at
His Book, Soothing the Itch Within and the Diet to Control It, has a special Diet for dealing with Morgellons and Itchy Skin Parasites. For more information please go to
Journey cd