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Abdominal Breathing CD PROGRAM
For immediate download, click here to buy Breathing For Health
Free Seven Part Report "Discover the Little Known Secrets--What makes Hypnosis Work" and Monthly Stress Management TipsSM Bulletin Breathing Exercises to Manage Stress and Reduce Hyperventilation |
Key words: managing stress, stress relief, stress reduction, stress management technique, effects of stress, feeling stressed, yoga breathing, breathing, breathing exercise, deep breathing exercise. hyperventilation |
The first defense against unhealthy responses to stress is not Tylenol, Motrin..., but instead deep breathing. Caution, if you suffer from Three basic mistakes in breathing are made:
• We’re so consumed with our appearance--looking thin that we learn to hold in our stomachs
or wear clothing (tight fitting clothes or undergarments) or belts to do so which limits our breathing to the upper chest. Even as we sleep, we may be breathing in a tense manner. The tense breathing also starves the body of much needed oxygen, affects our posture, and blocks any one of our Chakras--the natural flow of energy through our bodies. In general, no matter what the physical health problem--headaches, muscle tension pain (direct effects of stress)--or disease--cancer, heart disease--one's breathing must be addressed (except anxiety sufferers as noted above). The only problem is that no one makes any money from you taking deep breadths. There are no drugs required so you will not hear an announcement on the radio, "Did you remember to do your stress reduction deep breathing today!" And then hear the announcer spell out some statistics as to how many stress related illnesses are in part due to tense breathing? Have you heard of a TV commercial offering a deep breathing clinic for one minute as you watch the commercial?
Look for times during the day when you are feeling stressed, under pressure, in a rush, defensive, tense... It's during these times that instead of tensing as you normally would, that you instead remember to do your stress relief deep breathing.
And all you have to do to engage your first defense against stress is to consciously become aware of your breathing
and consciously shift from your upper chest tense breathing to an abdominal breath. This ready made cd for Abdominal Breathing has four different deep breathing exercises (including one to help reduce hyperventilation). Notice that a sigh is usually a tense upper chest unhealthy breadth. Since it’s not been a habit, it’s easy to forget to do. Make reminders from post-it’s and stick them where you are likely to see them during the day. Remember, no one makes money on deep breathing so you will not hear an announcer on the radio reminding you to take your deep breadth to manage stress. For more in-depth practice and experience, join a yoga class and practice it daily. No time? Purchase a basic dvd of yoga--no need for difficult poses.Want to get the upper hand on reactions to stress such as stuttering, eye twitching, head or neck ache, leg pain...? Learn the step by step methods to take control of painful muscles in Part II of this article.
Abdominal Breathing CD For immediate download, click here to buy Breathing For Health
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