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Decision Making Techniques

$14.95     $10.95       Not available at this time
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decision making techniques
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decision making skills


Decision Making Process Made Easy

This is the one hypnotic program that opens the path to effective decision making and then following through with them.  

Do you find yourself second guessing yourself? Or do you find that your decision making skills often just don't fit the "here and now." This is because many of us are not capable of making decisions in the "now." Most decisions are made by our past experiences and history. And even though we often think we thought something through, we really didn't. Our child hood experiences often make the most important decisions for us leaving us at the mercy of a young child--our young inexperienced self--to carry out the decision.

The first thing to know in the decision making process is that there are no wrong decisions. It is simply that some decisions have a higher, and in some cases a  very high. price tag. Example, let's suppose for some reason you can only make left hand turns while driving. Even though making a right hand turn might get you where you want to go expeditiously, you can indeed get anywhere you want with enough left hand turns. Sometimes ones decision making skills is like this. The price tag is a lot of extra time and distance to get to the same point. 

More importantly, if you make typically make a decision and then come up with 50 reasons why it is wrong or won't work, then this program is the one for you. It gets you beyond indecision and into action. Develop your decision making process and improve your decision making techniques.

Side one of Making Decisions is for you conscious mind. Side one explains the suggestions and guides you into becoming your own best friend to foster and develop effective decision making techniques.
Side #2 is the hypnotic portion and is for your subconscious mind. Side #2 instills the suggestion with subliminal programming directly into your subconscious mind. 

Guarantee: Yes, a money back warranty for developing  decision making techniques, click here to read it. 

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