Email 12/24/05
Happy Holidays,
Your holiday card is at have fun with all the clicks. It’s safe and doesn’t contain any viruses or worms. Just copy and paste it into your browser.
If you
haven’t gotten to visit the site lately, please do so, lots of new information. -- recepes, food additions, I found that
armour canned ham (corrected in the next email) doesn’t have any sugar,
corn syrup or gelatin in it. The diet has been completely revised and is much
easier to read.
Also, found info that says there’s no difference between using toa free cat’s claw vs toa free cat’s claw—check it out it’s in the medical section. Also a blood test for antibiodies of the worm and a lab if Florida (thanks to Paul’s info) that tests for it.
Please keep me posted if your medical tests indicate presence of the worm. Had a session with Dr. Bransfield just two days ago and he went into the whole song and dance that if we have the worm it doesn’t mean that it causes Morgellons—maybe it’s a co-factor. But I had no trouble getting him to agree that if I have the worm as I’ve seen it on a slide from my stool, it doesn’t belong in my body at which time he wrote two scripts—one for the blood test and one for a stool analysis.
Be Healthy, Well, and keep the diet sacredSM. (those who use it report freedom of symptoms and at least that’s a big plus.)
Let’ do START THE DIET DAY or shall we call it GET RID of SYMPTOMS DAY for January 3rd (gives you a day after New Year’s to get pumped up about it. It’s all laid out at
Richard Kuhns B.S.Ch. E.
email 12/06/05
has been developing so fast that there were getting to be too many changes in
the report. This is why I don’t publish a report as a hard copy. I’m
revising the entire section of the website regarding Morgellons and you can find
it at
Notice it’s skin1.htm instead of skin.htm which is still there and
will shortly be replaced with the revised report.
it is tons of new information. For instance, how you can become itch and bite
free within 6 days using:
diet (further refined),
spelt is added to the diet
to do if you accidentally infect someone else
to get your doctor on the right page with you.
Where to order stool analysis and blood tests along with protocols to give your
to take the die out of diet and make it an eating plan.
finished are the alternate therapies and approaches.
Healthy and Well, and keep the diet sacred—it’s been a haven from misery!
Kuhns B.S.Ch.E
email 11/22/05
Good news day,
Group email: |
that suggested that Morgellons is caused by a parasitic worm—nematode. I love to give credit—especially when it’s well deserved. I have a lot of new information to share concerning the nematode theory later on in this email.
1. They love such as sweets, breads, pasta, starchy vegetables, all fruits, and some spices like fennel, ginger, and rosemary… and they multiply and bite with thanks.
2. There are apparently foods that they don’t get excited about so they hang around in remission like the tilapia, walnuts, and some other delicacies in the Stage II diet
3. There are foods that starve them—mostly in stage I. It is possible that stage I for 90 days will starve them completely out of our systems? A good bet!! But a real challenge to stay and not stray.
Twenty years
ago, I had a dog kennel. Dogs are always contracting round worms or hook worms.
Stool analysis by veterinarians became expensive so I bought a microscope and
did our own stool analysis and deworming. I should have thought to analyze my
own stool years ago, but then I really didn’t know what I was looking for.
Thanks to communication with Paul and Joan I learned of the following cdc
(center for disease control in
2. You can contact some of the labs on the google search or
any search engine you use. I found the Great Smokey Laboratory that does a stool
analysis for $56. Your doctor has to order the collection kit. They are familiar
with Strongyloides
stercoralis and they
have you collect stool samples over a three day period. Here’s the contact
Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory/Genovations
Telephone: (828)253-0621 (800)522-4762 Fax: (828)252-9303
8:00AM - 6:30PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, except major holidays
3. Purchase an inexpensive microscope—good ones on ebay that link to your computer with a camera are less than $300. But you could probably pick one up without a camera for less than $50 that will give you 300X or greater. The larvae and the cysts are not visible to the naked eye. Depending on the reflection of light, the cysts sparkle in the microscope. If you want specific details on how to prepare a slide—it’s easy, email me. I’m sparing those details as I don’t want to gross anyone out reading this email.
This is an exciting time in our history of this hell on earth! Me thinks we’re
about to beat it and live completely normal lives once again. Who wants to plan
the party? I hope that everyone who has subscribed to my report will be able to
receive this communication and live once again.
And what about diet? I’m going to do Stage I until I’ve been diagnosed
and finished treatment. I feel that I need to throw everything I can at this
parasite. I’m really looking to putting the final touches on the
site and make it permanent instead of being full of updates.
Suggested treatment for the nematode parasite is as I reported in my last email:
suggests thiabendazole at 50 mg/kg/d in 2 doses X 2d which I understand is
becoming the treatment of choice. Once
every two weeks up to two months in duration.
I ordered an over the
counter dewormer from
along with a kidney cleanse--got his information from Joan Urban. When my doctor
affirms my stool analysis, I’ll probably go the medical route and get it over
with as opposed to the over the counter dewormer which is two tablespoons per
day (one morning and one at night) for 30 days.
Finally I feel like the
following is a reality
Be Healthy and Well, but
keep the diet sacred! for the most advanced thinking on the
planet for self help
email 11/8/05
Good afternoon,
Changing email or mailing address, please let me know. I believe this is the most valuable email you will ever have received and could very well be the last you will need to get over the Morgellons (scourge) mites or whatever the hell we thought is was.
This field is expanding at the light of speed. I had the opportunity to speak at quite some length with Paul at (former sufferer of this scourge many of us have hung the name (Morgellons) on for lack of understanding it)-more later. Morgellons is basically an undefined disease. The site shows pictures of the lesions caused by the organism, but it really doesn’t define the organism (a mystery).
Originally, back in the mid 90’s, I thought I was infested with mites (and I’m sure I was), but all the mite creams and meds didn’t do anything for the itcyies and bities so I looked into weird mites like the scaly bald face mite or some such thing which produced lesions that looked very much the same. The meds had no effect which meant that even though mites were there, it was something other than a mite.
I then thought it was a worm similar to the ring worm, but much more aggressive and talked my physician into prescribing ivermectin for me. One dose and it did nothing and I believed her when she said only one dose would be required to kill any worm—more later.
Now, with Paul’s experience, worm it is—a form of hookworm from Borneo—some kind of creeping crud. Read his tale of woe and read mine at and you’ll see we could basically exchange rats for birds (methods of infection) and it is basically the same story.
How to get rid of it and be cured is the question. But first, let’s stop talking Morgellons unless you want to identify Morgellons as being caused by this nemoatode (worm)—specifically from the strongyloide family (bad relatives to have as you and I have come to know)
Diet—Let me toot my horn just a little. Since the late 90’s I’ve been saying diet is important—at least to get rid of the hellish discomfort. I never cried, “cure.” My report simply says, “if I were reinfected, I’d do 1,2,3,4,5 based on my experiences in which I got to a point for 10 years where I was free of the itching and biting (a major accomplishment in my book).
What is amazing is that Paul’s protocol which he touts cure in 90 days (and I don’t question that claim) uses as its basis--a diet. I purchased his protocol (a lot less expensive than the $350 I paid for the physicians specializing in this field who never talk diet or methods of disinfection) and found his diet to be very close to what I describe as stage I of my diet. There are some minor differences. But the amazing thing is that diet not only can free you of the symptoms (as it did for me) but also may take you to the next level which is cure and you may not need a doctor to do it. However, Paul’s life didn’t get complicated with Lyme or babesia (protozoan) as it did for me and a reported 95% of us are. Nevertheless, I’m certain that getting rid of the worms will make getting rid of Lyme easier. Ironic though, the doctors I’ve spoken with feel that using Bactrim (an antibiotic of choice) will get rid of Lyme and also Morgellons (unnamed cause) because when you get rid of Lyme your immune system strengthens and then can fight off Morgellons (cause unknown). After 6 months of treatment with antibiotics, I didn’t find that to happen. I still have the old lesions and new ones forming from time to time. Am I rid of Lyme? I don’t know!!!
But then kick me in my asx. I went off my diet 5 months ago shortly after starting with Bactrim and have been eating like a heathen (potato chips, cookies, doughnuts, cakes, pies, using regular cooking oils…) thinking that the mighty antibiotic would do it for me. Make me stick my nose in chewing gum on the black board for being so ignorant.
Ok, I’m really charged now because looking at Paul’s diet and looking at stage I of my diet, it’s amazing the similarities (mine is a little stricter (is that a word?) than his is). Many have asked me how long to be on the diet and I didn’t know the answer. Well, in speaking with Paul, the answer must be 90 days. Ten years ago, I made the mistake of shifting off stage I to stage II of my diet (where I could enjoy honey, Hagen Daz Ice cream (only certain flavors), chocolate, and a light beer or white wine from time to time too soon. Stage II may be premature until the 90 day mark. And I made the same mistake just a little over a year ago when I was reinfected.
Anyway some specific differences is that Paul’s diet allows soy. I didn’t find soy a problem for getting rid of itchies, but it did contribute to formation of new papules so I didn’t recommend it. Paul’s diet is free of cheese. I didn’t find certain cheeses a problem; however, I do note that if candida albicans is suspected, cheese is a no no. He doesn’t make specific recommendations re cooking oil and I only found rice bran oil acceptable. But the good news is that “diet” is KING and the key.
That makes me wonder, “did I have the cure in the diet, but just didn’t stay on stage I long enough?” I don’t know. There’s a lot more to his protocol than just the diet. There are specific herbal and nutritional recommendations for immune boosting and cleansing. If you read my email on the Dr. Bransfield interview,, it lists all the complications Lyme can cause. My health to date really hasn’t been compromised, so the immune boost although it can’t hurt, may not be as important for me as it is for someone who had many of those symptoms on that list. Some sufferers have had to take gammoglobulin shots to build their immune system. Paul also has a cleanse protocol for your liver and other affected organs.
So, what does all this mean? Get on stage I of the diet and if you’re going to be on it, you may as well kill “two birds” with one stone and contact Paul for his protocol or order it from his website, Paul has been a more recent sufferer that most of us and I credit him greatly for playing an important part in the identification of this worm and the revelation of the importance of diet, immune boosting, and cleansing. His report is worth every dime and is in hard copy. However, there will be some cost incurred in obtaining the immune boosting, cleansing herbs, and recommended nutritional supplements. So if cash is tight, go on stage I of my diet for 90 days, and then if you still have the problem, get his protocol. But, really, why not just do both at the same time and get rid of this thing in 90 days and use his protocol? Consider me a stepping stone to him.
Now, back to the worm.
An article, Cutaneous Strongyloides stercoralis infection: an unusual presentation1 by
Micki N. Ly , Shauna L. Bethel , Arif S. Usmani and David R. Lambert describes the nematode,
Strongyloides stercoralis
is a widespread, soil-transmitted, intestinal nematode common in tropical and
subtropical countries. The parasite is unique in its capability to carry out its
entire life cycle inside the human body. Human beings contract strongyloidiasis
by penetration of filariform larvae into the skin or mucous membrane after
contact with contaminated soil. The larvae travel by the venous systems to the
lungs, then ascend the bronchi to the trachea, where the larvae are coughed up
by the human host, subsequently swallowed, and attain their habitat in the small
intestine. Chronic strongyloidiasis acquired in endemic areas may last decades
and gives rise to various dermatologic lesions, the most characteristic of which
is larva currens, a serpiginous, creeping urticarial eruption. In disseminated
strongyloidiasis, the characteristic ski! n lesions are widespread petechiae and
purpura. We present a case of disseminated strongyloidiasis with an unusual
manifestation mimicking a drug rash and review the dermatologic manifestations
of strongyloidiasis infestation.” is a cdc site that gives you the life cycle of this worm in even greater detail.
states, Clinical
asymptomatic. Gastrointestinal symptoms include abdominal pain and
diarrhea. Pulmonary symptoms (including Loeffler’s syndrome) can occur
during pulmonary migration of the filariform larvae. Dermatologic
manifestations include urticarial rashes in the buttocks and waist areas.
Disseminated strongyloidiasis occurs in immunosuppressed patients, can present
with abdominal pain, distension, shock, pulmonary and neurologic complications
and septicemia, and is potentially fatal. Blood eosinophilia is generally
present during the acute and chronic stages, but may be absent with
rests on the microscopic identification of larvae (rhabditiform and occasionally
filariform) in the stool or duodenal fluid. Examination of serial samples
may be necessary, and not always sufficient, because stool examination is
relatively insensitive.
The stool can be examined in wet mounts:
The duodenal fluid can be examined using techniques such as the Enterotest string or duodenal aspiration. Larvae may be detected in sputum from patients with disseminated strongyloidiasis.
Diagnostic findings
drug of choice for the treatment of uncomplicated strongyloidiasis is ivermectin
with albendazole* as the alternative. All patients who are at risk of
disseminated strongyloidiasis should be treated. For additional
information, see the recommendations in The
Medical Letter (Drugs for Parasitic Infections).” is a site that shows the presence of the larvae in the stool.
Medical treatment recommended are: albendazole and ivermectin. In addition to these, suggests thiabendazole at 50 mg/kg/d in 2 doses X 2d. which I understand is becoming the treatment of choice.
For some, it may be important to repeat this every two weeks for up to two months.
One thing for certain, I won’t waste any more of my time doing meds without Stage I of my diet. And if you’re immune system has been compromised, go to and order Paul’s protocol. Aside from the basic diet, he’ll guide you through the cleansing and immune building with emails or phone communication a lot more effectively than I could ever. In fact, he’s so into this thing, that I’d just as soon turn my baton over to him. As you see from many of the websites listed below, I have plenty on my plate as it is.
I’d like to see regional meetings and eventually a national convention. The more of us that get cured, the stronger our voice will become. The good news is that our hell has been caused by a parasite known to the cdc, unfortunately most doctors aren’t aware of it’s presence in this country and there in lies the problem.
Keep the Diet Sacred—Get Healthy and be Well,
Kuhns B.S.Ch.E
for the most advanced thinking on the planet for self help
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house to avoid possible nighmares
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Email 11/02/05
This page contains copies of email updates sent to subscribers as new information becomes available. They are now arranged starting with the most recent:
Hope everyone is on his/her way to freedom.
I promised this email yesterday and there just wasn’t
enough time to get it out. Also found that I may have forgotten to give the link
to Dr. Bransfield’s report that on the website at
a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Super Bug!! Or is it Super Worm??
In this email:
Before I start this email, let me say one thing for the record. I make no claims as to having a cure for Morgellons. Support the endeavors of everyone that contributes whether they are doctors, nurses, mothers, engineers, football players… And anyone that I learn of who knows is stuff, whether it be free or for fee, I will pass that information on to you.
What is Morgellons? As I recall in scanning the website, there’s no mention of exactly what it is. Is it a mite? A nematode? A fungus? Yeast? Yes, it would be nice to know what kind of organism it is. And that’s a challenge since most doctors deny it’s existence period.
Us who have been suffering have been trying to make sense of this senseless infestation for decades. When I was first infested back in the early 90’s I searched the internet and found very little information. I’m not even sure Morgellons site was up at that time. I was fortunate to discover the use of garlic and diet early on that literally saved my life from a lot more hell—not that I didn’t go through hell—I did but fortunately it never got to the dangerous stages.
I researched mites (particularly bird mites) since my infestation came from a dust cloud in a tree. Many years later, we discover these organisms can be delivered to our bodies by a variety of mechanisms—ticks, mosquitoes, rat mites, bed bugs, spring tales and who knows what else—let’s not forget human contact too.
What I found when I searched the internet was 90% confusion from the sufferers. Message boards were full of confused scared messages. A few messages gave hope with different treatments like Epson salt, pomegranate, ionic minerals. In fact several people claimed cure. Unfortunately, when I checked out their recommendations, they neglected to give correct spellings of the treatments, or failed to provide amounts, a schedule. It was still by in large a guessing game. And there was no clear indication that they did indeed suffer from the same type of infestation. There’s estimated to be a half million different mites alone in the world and most haven’t been identified.
I know that where I eventually got was from my own experimentation and with all the recommendations of alternative health professionals—vermex, black walnut and the list is endless along with all the meds I used.
I got to a level of freedom where I could live my life—get married and live a 99% normal life. That was important for me.
I couldn’t believe I was the only person in the world with this disease that had no name. Even from message boards, I didn’t’ get a sufficient description of symptoms that many people had. What I did was write my story and publish it on the web.
What I discovered for myself was worth thousands of
dollars. No doctor, health professional, friend, or wise old sage knew what to
tell me to do. I would have gone to
Rather than put a lot of time into message boards, I wrote a report and have been updating it whenever I learn something new. I was only certain of one thing and that is if someone related with my symptoms and had a similar history, my report would give them the steps to free themselves from the biting hell. I would have paid a thousand dollars for that information after my third appointment with dermatologists that found nothing other than a lot of rashes and papules for which they had no explanation as it my blood tests were normal and the plug samples they took came back negative. So, I put a modest price of $39.95 for the report that provided indepth information about disinfection, diet, and one medication that benefited me to a great degree.
By the way, back in the late 90’s, no one else was talking diet. Now, lots of people are talking about cleansing diets. No one was even talking about methods of disinfection or the importance of disinfection. No one mentioned diatomaceous earth.
What I couldn’t figure out was how this thing existed on the human body. It defied all mechanism of mites cycles of life. It defied all medications used for mites. Yet, everyone claims that mites are present and I believe they are. What the heck is Morgellons? In the late 90’s I believed it was a nematode (worm of some sort). Ivermectin for human use was relatively new at that time. People who raise animals have used it for decades to worm their animals and free them of round and hook worms.
I finally talked my doctor into giving me a script for it and I was surprised to find it was a one time thing. After I thought about it, I realized that it made sense. Worming an animal is a one time thing. You don’t divide up the dosage over a period of time—it’s as one time thing. But I didn’t believe that one dose would do it so I questioned her. She assured me that it would kill every worm in my body so I believed her.
Well, it did nothing. Now I wasn’t’ suffering from itching and biting at that time. I was 99% free of any issues as long as I stayed on my diet. I had hoped that the old sites would go away and it had no impact on them. I then began thinking fungus, yeast and so on.
Now, a most recent theory is that it is a type of hookworm.
A fellow named Paul claims it a member of the Strongyloides family--a microscopic intestinal worm (first
cousin to hookworm)-which is able to live off of your body for three weeks
without a meal and pierces through your skin on your feet or crawls up until it
finds a pore or hair follicle. It leaves small pimple-like red bumps where it
enters. It can be treated with medication (ivermectin)(we are still being
treated). It has been a slow process of healing and killing off the populations
in our bodies and our environments but it is working and we are finally feeling
results. This sounds reasonable.
The name
of the blood test is Strongyloides Igg. It is a test for antibodies. My simple
HMO lab sent it out to a lab in CA called Focus Diagnostics.
And now I see people are taking multiple doses of ivermectin and the dosages are pretty high.
Last evening I spent hours reading through email postings at
Set up by Joanne Urban at
She’s done quite a job of coordinating information and obtaining valuable
contributions towards finding a solution for this scourge.
Again, it was a lot of information to weed through. I can imagine that if
I were new at this, I’d just be overwhelmed. I attempt to inform you of
everything that may have value and keep out the confusing stuff.
I love reading something from someone who is on his or her way to cure and they tell you with all the confidence in the world what the think the cure is. And in the next email, they tell you that they had a good night last night.
If I wrote you every time I thought I was on my way to cure, it would be like crying “wolf.” I can’t tell you how many times I thought I had beaten it 100% only to find out a few weeks later that hell came back.
Now I understand that unless whatever we do includes treatment for Lyme (borellia) and the protozoan (babesia), we’re only doing a pipe dream.
Even the doctors who acknowledge the existence of
Morgellons have different approaches. Dr. Harvey, who informed me of a recent
study at
Back to
After weeding through dozens of emails and reports, I will say that it was worth ever minute of it for me. And I welcome you to read through it as well. I did learn some important tips. It’s highly possible that 100 mg of B1 vitamin is as effective as zyperxa or ORAP and certainly a lot easier to obtain.
There’s a guy Paul whose experience parallels mine—as
far as early symptoms and meds taken—who claims Morgellons is a worm and he
claims to have a 90 day cure. I ordered it to check it out for myself.
is his site.
I figure it this way. I’ve spent
hundreds of dollars out of my own pocket for
physicians, iridologists, nutritionists, promising treatments including over a
hundred dollars for ionic copper, sulfur, zinc, silver, and molybdenum. If
someone invests as much time an energy as I have to produce my report and has
experience to back it up, I’m game. I’m sure I’ll easily learn $40 worth
of information from a well written report and hopefully, it will be the cure in
which case, I’ll highly recommend each of you to purchase it. But, if you’re
impatient, get it now and let’s compare notes. After all, a cure for one
doesn’t necessarily mean a cure for all and I don’t remember if there was a
mention of dealing with Lyme in his approach. And he got rid of his issue in six
months. But, will it work for us chronic acute sufferers who have had it for
years and experience far more complications as you’ll see in Dr. Bransfield’s
It’s ironic; the buzz is that bananas
contribute to forming bacteria on the skin which is the main feed for these
worms. Yet, bananas were the only fruit I could eat—go figure.
In fact this is one of the main reasons for an effective diet—stop
eating foods that contribute to formation of yeast and bacteria which is
eliminated through the skin where the nematodes (worms) feed on them.
I must admit, I may have made a big mistake going off the diet months ago. I put all my faith in the new medical treatment protocol thinking I was out of the woods. Now in speaking with Dr. Bransfield, it’s likely that the Lyme transforms into a cyst and hides in fungus. And what creates fungus in the gut? Sugary foods, chips, baked goods, simple carbs, fruit…--all the things I’ve just begun enjoying again. Yet, that’s the purpose of the Flagryl and the Diflucan, but what am I doing? Just making my treatment more difficult with my lax eating habits. In fact, stage two of my diet which allows sugar and honey may ultimately be in question to benefit from this theory.
Another tip was that Neosporin with pain reliever is very effective for getting rid of the papules. But I don’t know if they are referring to new ones or ones that are years and years old as I have. My experience is that just about anything works for new papules—caldryl lotion, zirydril, elligaderm cream, skin zinc…wish I hand known to use this stuff when I was first infested.
There was mention of rif as the way to go. It does look promising, however, at about $1,400 for the instrument, you can purchase a lot of ionic minerals, or herbs, or, Paul’s program, or…
And there was some information about adding vitamin C and salt to the use of Bactrim twice per day. I’m going to ask Dr. Bransfield if he knows about this—it makes sense. Either way, I’ll get the details—can’t hurt to use.
I know this is a long email, yet it’s a lot shorter than the thirty or so pages I read and condensed—call it Morgellons DigestTM Hey, maybe I just invented another way to benefit you. So let me say, I claim ownership to that trade mark and reserve all rights.
I think the next step is to make a list of all the different approaches being used and their variations and combinations and then to start getting real feed back on what works.
Several reports focused on herbal cleanse. I generally avoid any of this. I don’t doubt that cleansing is important; I just don’t believe any one has figured out what you really have to do to cleanse yourself. That said, one of them did make more sense than most. It claimed that three herbs are required—I pasted it below:
Be Healthy and Well,
Richard Kuhns B.S. Ch.E.
three herbs must be used together. Black walnut hull and wormwood kill
adults and developmental stages of at least 100 parasites. Cloves kill the eggs.
Only if you use them together will you rid yourself of parasites. If you kill
only the adults, the tiny stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you
kill only the eggs, the million stages already loose in your body will soon grow
into adults and make more eggs. They must be used together as a single
What you need:
Flatwoms, roundworms, protozoa, even bacteria and viruses arc remarkably easy to
kill using a combination of zapping and this herbal program. Thus it is not just
for cancer, but a general treatment that can benefit almost every illness.
1. Black Walnut
Day 1: (this is the day you begin; start the same day you receive it)
Take one drop. Put it in 1/2 (half) cup of water. Sip it on an empty stomach
such as before a meal.
Day 2: Take 2 drops in 1/2 (half) cup water same as above
Day 3: Take 3 drops in 1/2 (half) cup water same as above
Day 4: Take 4 drops in 1/2 (half) cup water same as above
Day 5: Take 5 drops in 1/2 (half) cup water same as above
Day 6: Take 2 tsp., all together in 1/4 (one forth) cup water. Sip it, don't
gulp it. Get it down within 15 minutes. (If you are over 150 pounds, take 2 1/2
(two and half) tsp. Do not take more than 3 tsp. because no additional value has
been observed.)
This dose kills any remaining stages throughout the body, including the bowel
contents, a location unreachable by electric current. The alcohol in the
tincture can make you slightly woozy for several minutes. Simply stay seated
until you are comfortable again. You may put the tincture in lukewarm water to
help evaporate some of the alcohol, but do not use hot water because that may
damage its parasiticide power. Then take niacinamide 500 mg to counteract the
toxicity of the alcohol. You could also feel a slight nausea for a few minutes.
Walk in the fresh air or simply rest until it passes. You may add more water or
honey or a spice to make it more palatable.
For a year: take 2 tsp. Black Walnut Hull Tincture Extra Strength every week or
until your illness is but a hazy memory. This is to kill any parasite stages you
pick up from your family, friends, or pets.
members and friends should take 2 tsp. every other week to avoid
reinfecting you. They may be harboring a few parasite stages in their
intestinal tract without having symptoms. But when these stages are
transmitted to a cancer patient, they immediately seek out the cancerous
organ again. |
You may be wondering why you should wait for five days before taking the 2 tsp.
dose. It is for your convenience only. you may have a sensitive stomach or be
worried about toxicity or side effects. By the sixth day you will have convinced
yourself there is no toxicity or side effects.
Going faster. In fact, if you are convinced after the first drop of the
restorative powers of Black Walnut Hull Tincture Extra Strength, take the 2 tsp.
dose on the very first day.
Going slower. On the other hand, if you cringe at the thought of taking
an herb or you are anxious about it’s safety, continue the drops, increasing
at your own pace, until you are ready to brave the decisive 2 tsp. dose.
2.Wormwood capsules (should contain 200-300 mg of wormwood, see Sources):
Day 1: Take 1 capsule before supper (with water).
Day 2: Take 1 capsule before supper.
Day 3: Take 2 capsules before supper.
Day 4: Take 2 capsules before supper.
Continue increasing in this way to day 14, whereupon you are up to seven
capsules. You take the capsules all in a single does (you may take a few at a
time until they are all gone). Then you do 2 more days of 7 capsules each. Ater
this, you take 7 capsules once a week forver, as it states in the Maintenance
Parasite Program. Try not to get interupted before the 6th day, so you know the
adult intestinal flukes are dead. After this, you may proceed more slowly if you
wish. Many persons with sensitive stomachs prfer to stay longer on each doese
instead of increasing according to this schedule. You may choose the pace after
the sicth day.
3 Cloves:
Fill size 00 capsules with fresh groud cloves; if this size is not available,
use 0 or 000. In a pinch, buy gelatin capsules and empty them or empty other
vitamin capsules. You may be able to purchase fresh groud cloves that are alrady
encapsulated; theay shoudld b about 500 mg. Gocery store ground cloves do not
work! Either grind them yourself or see Sources.
Day 1: Take one capsule 3 times a day before meals.
Day 2: Take two capsules 3 times a day.
Days 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: Take three capsules 3 times a day.
After day 10: Take 3 capsules all together once a week forever, as in the
Maintenance Parasite Program.
Take ornithine at bedtime for insomnia. Even if you do not suffer from
insomnia now, you may when you kill parasites.
out the doses as you take them.
. |
Walnut |
Capsule Dose (200-300mg)
Capsule Dose (500mg)
Day |
drops 1
time per day, like before a meal, in 1/2 cup of water |
1 time per day, on empty stomach (before meal) |
3 times a per day, like at mealtime |
1 |
1 |
1,1,1 |
2 |
1 |
2,2,2 |
3 |
2 |
3,3,3 |
4 |
2 |
3,3,3 |
5 |
3 |
3,3,3 |
tsp. |
3 |
3,3,3 |
once a week |
4 |
3,3,3 |
4 |
3,3,3 |
5 |
3,3,3 |
5 |
3,3,3 |
11 |
6 |
3 |
6 |
once a week |
tsp. |
7 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
once a week |
3 |
At this point you do not need to keep a strict schedule, but instead may choose
any day of the week to take all the parasite program ingredients. Continue on
the Maintenance Parasite Program, indefinitely, to prevent future reinfection.
Email 10/31/05
In this email, I have:
1. an appeal for help from anyone who would like to help publish a newsletter.
2. actual intake interview with Dr. Bransfield. (one of the recognized experts on Morgellons)
3. introduction to ionic minerals
4. introduction to rif technology.
Appeal for Help
This email is going out to everyone who has subscribed to the initial
report. I’d like to produce a monthly newsletter and would appreciate help from
anyone with experience in writing newsletters or who might be interested in
contributing to the newsletter or someone who can help with transcription from
an audio file to a word document file.
Perhaps one day, we’ll merge with other groups, have a convention, discover a treatment, who knows. If you’re interested, please email me.
Also, if you haven’t emailed me your story of the personal hell you’ve experienced, please do so. It may be valuable one day in communicating through physicians to the CDC in Atlanta as this disease is not recognized to be real. It’s thought to be in our imaginations. And Morgellons is only one of many parasites that go rampant in the human host. A lady for England appealed for advice in dealing with thrips (common plant bug) that has taken over her home and invaded her body. For now, let’s stick with Morgellons.
2. Actual intake with Dr. Bransfield is published on the website at Dr. Bransfield in Middletown, NJ. I include it to you for three reasons:
1. A complete list of health complications attributed to Lyme disease. According According to Dr. Bransfield, those suffering from chronic Lyme have approximately ½ to 2/3 of the following symptoms to some degree. As you’ll see from my answers, it has minimally affected me which I attribute to the diet I used for all those years, but who knows, maybe it wouldn’t have affected me anyway. What I did notice was that after the interview I became aware of partial facial paralysis for about three weeks. It had started about two weeks before my appointment and I really didn’t pay much attention to it until after my interview. It only lasted another week and then went away. Others symptoms in moderation come and go.
2. Dr. Bransfield also shares some of the basics as he understands the disease theory which are interesting.
3. There are other resources of which he speaks. I’ve researched the all and linked to their work or information about them. I couldn’t however, find any source for Richard Schomaker no matter how I spelled it.
Specifically, I’m gathering that these doctors have an understanding and treatments for Lyme and the babesia, but when it comes to the Morgellons, they are aware of it, but no recognized treatment of choice. It’s supposed to somehow go away on it’s own as the immune system strengthens and maybe will do so faster with Bactrim. However, for me it provided relief, but after three months of Bactrim it didn’t do anything for the lesions I’ve had for years.
3. Introduction to Ionic Minerals.
Personally, I had stopped my diet and skin zinc when I started the antibiotics. Now it’s seems clear that I need to resume with anything that might provide effective against the remnants Morgellons (some very old skin lesions and formation of new papules).
One subscriber from Florida, Tracey, suggested ionic minerals. I had tried ionic copper and ionic silver from Kormax for a month or so and noticed little change, but this was just before I started the antibiotics so I stopped them when I started the antibiotics, plus there is a raging controversy about copper being highly toxic.
I obtained more information from the company which I’ll be glad to share with you as soon as I can get it into a word document file. There’s a parasite cleanse formula involving several ionic minerals which I was under the impression had worked for someone having Morgellons—mistaken assumption. I listened to the cassette tape that came with the products which was generally about the science of ionic minerals which convinced me that there was no danger from ionic copper.
So I began using the parasite cleanse (which I’ll share
with you as soon as I get a chance to get it into word document file). I did
notice within a week, crawling sensations that used to drive me nuts when I
suffered from the itchy bities, but instead of worsening as they used to, they
died off and stopped after twenty minutes or so. I surmised that the ionic
minerals were either purging them or killing them. The protocol I’m using is
copper and sulfur in the morning with zinc, silver and molybdenum in the
afternoon. Details are available.
I also began using the skin zinc and by the time I had this appointment with Dr. Bransfield (a month ago) I was really hopeful of having some real progress in getting rid of the Morgellons.
Things got confused about two weeks ago when I took a sweater which I thought had been disinfected but discovered within three hours that I had just recontaminated myself.
I ended up laundering bed sheets daily and spraying dilute ammonia everywhere I sat. I also went through all my fall and winter clothing and laundered or had it all cleaned. I contained the recontamination in record time (a week) and confirmed that once Morgellons is at that stage, no other treatment is possible or effective. The only difference was that I didn’t have to go back on the diet.
Looking for more information, I called the lady who devised the parasite cleanse using ionic minerals. I leaned that she had used the cleanse for a chronic acute infestation of various parasites she suffered from years ago—however—Morgellons was not one of them. Tracey and me are the only ones’ she knows of who have Morgellons and are using the minerals. I had hoped to provide you with a successful case history from which to model a treatment plan—but that didn’t happen. She did inform me that she was on the parasite cleanse for two years before she was free of the parasites. But then we are exposed to parasites on a daily basis. I’m continuing with the parasite cleanse as I believe it has merit.
4. Introduction to rif technology
During our conversation, she informed me about rif technology. I looked it up. It’s at . Again, no one has used it to her knowledge and even though it’s used for parasitic infestations, there’s no mention of the particular parasites it’s used for. I’m sure I can get more information by communicating with the company and perhaps a copy of the protocols for parasites. My first thought, “Something else to get confused by.”
Basically, it’s a small hand held device that is used once a day for a short period of time (I believe a half hour). Apparently there’s a manual that provides a protocol which tells you which frequencies to tune the device. These radio frequencies resonate the cellular structure of the parasite, bacteria, virus, fungus… and supposedly destroy the organism. In theory it all sounds plausible and practicable. Years ago, I bought a household device to emit frequencies to discourage vermin and insects—you may have seen them and if you didn’t buy them you made the right choice. They did nothing. If fact, I almost lost a part of my house to termites with them in place. But then, that was a cheap device that may simply been a quick buck artists way of capitalizing on a legitimate science for this rf device is around $1,600 and can be held in your hand.
If any one has experience with this device, please inform me. If anyone has successfully used the ionic minerals, please inform me.
I know it gets confusing; we’re dealing with Lyme (95% of us) and Morgellons. There are a lot of people with Lyme experience but few with Morgellons. So when we ask someone about their experience with our problem, they are often speaking of Lyme and have no experience with Morgellons.
My interview with Dr. Bransfield is posted on the site --click here
Richard Kuhns
Email late 8/22/05
Just received a letter from Dr. Harvey sent to
all his patients informing us of his retirement. Sept 9th will be his
last day. He recently had successful lumbar surgery from an acute blowout of two
discs. In the letter, he noted the names and phone numbers of several
knowedgeable physicans which I’m
listing for you. First are physicians in the texas area.
Highly recommended is David
Martz, MD of the Rocky Mountain Chronic Illnesses Specialists, LLC located in
Colorado Springs, CO—no phone number given (probably and oversight)
“My gratitude to all of
you. You’ve taught me most of what I know about this illness. I likely should
have retired from direct clinical care at a much younger age, but the tug of
unexpectedly finding a thread of truth that had been overlooked by medical
science made that impossible. I will still remain intensely involved mentally,
as long as I can think and act. And in that vein, I will try to help until you
reach total health.
Highest Regards,
William T. Harvey, M.D.”
On another note, I’m
adding all email updates to the website
p.s. on a healthier note,
there’s a new product call Healthy coffee—it’s reall brewed Columbian
coffee with only .04% caffeine, a ph of 7 and is infused with gano luciderm
mushroom (an herb known for regenerative properties of organs—especially the
skin). If you’re interested in know more contact me or go to
. Sample available upon request.
And please keep me updated
on email and regular address changes.
Email late July 05
Good Afternoon,
I must apologize!!! I’m so much into the babesia and the borellia that I often forget the nightmare of what brought it on—Morgellans mites. And it only takes one tiny experience to bring back a flood of memories.
I had been basically free of the virulent biting scourge for about 8 or 9 years when I got recontaminated in Feb of 2004 and had the night mare revisit me. I still don’t know how I got recontaminated. But it was hell revisited and I had to start from the beginning with stage one of the diet and zyprexa and eventually got to be free of them once again in about six months. Then about four months ago, I wore a coat that apparently was infected with them and was away from home at the time. It cost me about three weeks to recover.
Then I learned through Dr. Harvey about the blood infections with Borellia (Lymes disease) and Babesia (a protozoa) and have been under treatment for twelve weeks. There have been many benefits from the treatment—my diet is normal, thinking clearer… Everyone I speak to can’t believe that I’ve had Lymes disease all this time without serious complications and I really believe I owe it to the diet I’ve been on.
This morning, I was bouncing on the rebounder—great recommended exercise to cleans the lymphatics You need this because when the meds or treatment kills the bacteria, it gets dumped into the lymphatics and must be eliminated. Rebounding facilitates emptying of the lymphatics. Anyway, I always bounce on it with my socks and for some reason I bounced on it bare foot as I watched the news. Within three minutes, I felt something jump onto my ankle and take a bite—a dozen bites. Suddenly, I realized the reality of what I’ve often written in the report and some of these updates. Morgellans is always lurking in unsuspecting places. Apparently the warmth of my feet without the socks insulating my body heat activated the scourge hiding in the rebounder.
I panicked and reached for the first thing I saw which is not what I recommend doing and that was dilute ammonia. I sprayed it on my ankle and rubbed it slightly. Guess it’s no different than washing windows with windex and getting your hands wet. It was relief within seconds, but then the biting returned a few minutes later. Overall I used the dilute ammonia three times when I remembered someone telling me about using mouthwash for the same thing at which point I switched to mouth wash on my ankle. I suspect by the time I finally remembered the mouthwash, the Morgellans was already dead. But, then I realized that many of you still may be fighting the scourge and it’s an ever important battle so if you’re still on the first several steps of the report, bathing, disinfecting your surroundings, etc. Don’t despair—keep it up till you kill every last one and then you’ll even forget what the hell felt like for a while until you accidentally recontaminate. And when you do get accidentally recontaminated, don’t let anything stand in the way of taking quick action.
Yesterday I learned that Dr. Harvey is ill and no longer taking new patients. That only leaves Dr. Bransfield in Middletown, NJ whose number I’ve supplied numerous times. I called Bowen Labs this morning and Angelina, who answered the phone gave me the names of several physicians who order the testing for borellia and babesia. They are Chandra Swami at 724-981-3322 in PA, Dr. Rowen 707-571-5760 also in PA, Ann Dickson 730-8873 in VA, Rob Brandford 619-429-8200 in CA, James Schaller in Naples FL 239-272-3818 and Dr. Schank 727-461-4644 (4894 trouble reading my notes). I can’t vouch for any of these physicians and know nothing about them other than they have contact with Bowen Labs. Angelina suggested that if you’re interested in finding someone in any particular state that you call her at 727-937-9077 for that information. Please, write me of any experience you have with any physician and I’ll pass along the good or warnings as appropriate. Specifically for Morgellans, Angelina did not know of any physicians treating specifically for Morgellons and was pleased to hear about the use of zyprexa and the diet I’ve used. She had not heard of anyone using zyprexa before which may be an important part of the fight.
On another note, most of these physicians use antibiotics and one subscriber of this report sent me the following email of her findings that I include as information for you.
Here’s an email I received from one subscriber—please note that the alternative treatment only refers to Lymes’ disease and not babesia. You’d have to contact the practitioner to make sure babesia and any other complications can be handled with the alternative approach.
Richard: I would be very interested in the results you are obtaining thus far—my skin has cleared up almost completely. Bacteria are dying off and I have now seen clinical research on Samento which is promising. If this does not work completely over time, I will be open to antibiotic therapy and so your input is valuable to me. The people I am working with have brought about full cures on several people I have talked to. I also had a friend who had chronic lyme and got rid of it (clean blood tests-no symptoms 10 years ago!) Somehow he got the info on Samento, and that was the key for him. This came to me independent of my own local findings here in Sarasota.
Hope to chat with you
And here’s the email testimonial
Subject: For your Info.
Dear Bruce:
You may want to look up “Samento and Lyme disease” on your search engine and then go to Dr. James Howenstein’s site. I have been on Samento therapy for a week augmented by huge doses of freeze dried morinda citrifolia, vitamin C, and a mineral complex. Also coffee enemas every three days, tons of water and a lymphatic drainage product. My skin is almost clear and I am flushing out tons of bacteria. I found a place up here that specializes in this sort of thing. Let me tell you I am one greatful puppy. You’ll notice that Dr. Howenstein’s site (which I found indepentdently of my other efforts) also recommends Bowen Labs. Everybody who is into this specialty recommends this particular research lab as the place to go.
I am feeling better by the moment and grateful that my blood test results thus far only showed Bb. You mentioned that I was negative on babesia and the rest. I look forward to the readings on the other tests, and if I can get copies of all of the tests---that would be great. After reading up on antibiotic therapies---I personally would be very cautious about that route. I am on a 12 week protocol with the above treatments----incredible relief after the first week. I recognize the dangers of the potent antibiotic therapies, and also the limitations. I am committed to trying this first and I have a close friend who, much to my surprise, had chronic lyme disease, and was cured after a several months on this protocol—symptom free and negative blood work for ten years.
I am so grateful for your continuing help and care. I thought you would like to hear of this immediately, and also note my future results as this condition is the most incredibly debilitating thing I have ever experienced. I feel that anyone who can be taken out of that snake pit through use of this information will probably feel as I do tonight---eternally greatful. I remain,
Your friend,
Her name
Be healthy,
Richard Kuhns B.S.Ch.E.
Sponsoring sites
Email sent mid July 05
“Good afternoon,
In my last email I gave the names of Dr. Harvey in Texas at 830-774-4094 and Dr Bransfield 732-741-3263 in Middletown, NJ. I hope by now you’ve contacted and scheduled or perhaps had an appointment by now.
FYI. I have no connection with either doctor other than being a patient of Dr. Harvey. Bowen laboratories in Florida, where I sent my blood found Borrelia and Babesia in my blood and I just started my seventy week of treatment. My condition was not as bad as some and the diet is the only thing that saved me from being in bad bad shape.
Speaking of the diet, I did try to add some new foods after the second week and it was too early as I had skin reactions. In my seventh week of three months total expected treatment, even though I still see little progress with the old sites on my scalp, they seem to be giving up real estate and shrinking ever so slowly.
Diet wise, I’m not going crazy. In my fifth week, I did try pizza (Don’t remember pizza tasting so bad—but then I never ate Pizza hut before), I had a few strawberries, bananas and milk with no new reactions so overall I’m very confident and see this as the best step (other than the diet) that I’ve taken in almost thirteen years. After seven weeks, I’m eating everything I want and so far so good as there have been no further skin reactions. Still not much change though on the size of the existing sites.
I used to do a lot of public speaking and lately (before starting the meds), I noticed brain fog and slurred speech—attributed it to being burned out. But recently I had two opportunities to do a stop smoking programs for clients (1 ½ hrs) of solid suggtestions and was amazed how easy it was for me to do them. My thinking was clearer than it has been in years.
I no longer use the skin zinc since I stopped taking zyprexa. I think that there’s a possibility that I could speed up the clearing of the old sites using both zyprexa and skin zinc. Dr. Harvey didn’t recommend it nor was he familiar with the use of zyprexa and I’m going strictly on his recommendations at this time. From my initial consult with Dr. Harvey, I got the impression that the medical treatment is not specifically for the mites. It is for the organisms they brought that took up residence in the blood. So the meds are for protozoa, bacterium, fungi, and cande Again, thank you for your order. If you've been suffering from something similar to what I described, then, it's good news day for you as there is light at the end of the tunnel—real light!!
The steps I'd take if I were to be reinfected are in the report in red with everything else in black print is about detailing the steps.
Your skin report for dealing with parasites is at
And you can go to it anytime.
It's not necessary, but I would appreciate an email letting me know your progress from time to time along with a description of its severity.
I’d suggest contacting either Dr. Harvey in Texas at 830-774-4094 or Dr. Bransfield in Middletown, NJ at 732-741-3263 (detailed in the report) to schedule an appointment which will take about 5 weeks to get. It took me 13 years to find these doctors and I have no affiliation with either except as a patient of Dr. Harvey. In the meantime, I suggest getting on the diet and an appointment with your local doctor for a prescription of zyprexa—specifics of diagnosis etc. detailed in the report. The diet and zyprexa should reduce your symptoms for about 10 weeks by which time you will have been on the medications (assuming the organisms are found in your blood) for about 6 weeks and should be able to eat normally.
Please note that DR. Harvey’s office is not always easy to reach so keep trying. 830-768-2500 or 830-768-2550 are his direct numbers but sometimes they are connected to the fax.
From time to time I will be sending you emails with updates and or new information. Below is the latest one that was sent just two weeks ago along with a testimonial I just received recently. Please note that depending on severity etc, not everyone requires shots. My treatment consists of four meds taken orally—nothing more!!!
Richard Kuhns
I will keep you abreast of any new developments. If however, for any reason, you wish to be removed from the list to receive updates, please email me at I hate spam too.
Unsolicited Testimonial,
First of all, and mostly I want to thank you for your compassion towards us/me. I have been in contact and have been tested positive for the disease. If it wasn't for you where would I be today? I'm getting ready to start treatment and finally (thanks to u) thinking about having children in a year or two and being free of these parasites and the disease.
I am excited and nervous about starting my treatment. I was lucky because
my mom is an RN and can give me the shots rather than the normal way to go.
I am hopeful that things will work out from here. I will keep in touch with you to let you know how things progress.
Thanks again.