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Overcome Anxiety Attacks, Anxiety
Disorders and Generalized Anxiety Disorder
"I just want to
get back to being my `abnormal normal' self..."
Overcome Anxiety/Panic Attacks for the Client.
Pt I & Pt II --
2 hr. program in both dvd and cd format plus e-book and 15 minutes
consultation $99.95 $69.95
Save Big: Part I and II are included in the Overcome
Panic Anxiety Series
Keywords:generalized anxiety
disorder, anxiety attacks, anxiety disorders, agoraphobia, panic room

Overcome Anxiety
Resource for Professionals in the treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, Anxiety Attacks Panic Attacks, Agoraphobia (misspelled as agrophobia), and associated Depression. |
Overcome Anxiety Attacks, Anxiety
Disorders and Generalized Anxiety Disorder
just want to get back to being my `abnormal normal' self," cried
the client with whom I discovered this technique--more about that later. Yes, there can be freedom from generalized anxiety disorder, agoraphobia,
anxiety attacks, and
anxiety disorders and this is the
one program that takes one in the right direction for the treatment of
anxiety attacks and anxiety disorders. It's different than anything you
could imagine which is why it's the one approach that really gives you a chance
at freedom from Anxiety Disorders, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Anxiety
Attacks. It doesn't matter how long you've had anxiety disorders or how severe
your anxiety attacks are, this is the approach to success.
Click here for a description of the different
types of anxiety.
you see your physician*, there are five things any successful
program to overcome anxiety disorders should have.
1. zero emphasis on
relaxation or breathing. Sure some learn to get rid of anxiety by taking stress
management programs where they learn to breathe, but all the more often, 80%
don't. It's the difference between inward and outward concentration and while
most stress related problems are helped by learning inward concentration,
anxiety disorders, anxiety attacks, and generalized anxiety disorders are not
helped with inward concentration. In fact, far greater, I mean far greater
results are obtained with outward focus or outward concentration techniques. So
stop feeling guilty that you find it difficult to relax and calm down when you
are feeling anxious. This program focuses on external focus so you never have to
relax to demonstrate your progress, instead you will naturally relax as a side
effect of external focus.
2. Nutritional awareness.
Yes, it's important to look at what you are eating. What you're eating could be
contributing up to 80% of your problems. This program provides insight into how
you can keep your eating habits from causing anxiety disorders.
3. Personality. Early on,
I was told by several psychologists that those suffering from anxiety disorders,
anxiety attacks, and generalized anxiety disorders were irresponsible
individuals and used their anxiety for secondary gain, in other words get out of
something like test taking, going someplace uncomfortable, seeing someone they
didn't want to, chores... and not the type of person you'd want working for you.
I've since learned that those psychologists were "full of it." Fact is, that
those suffering from anxiety disorders, generalized anxiety disorder and anxiety
attacks are really very responsible individuals--the type of person I'd want
working for me. In fact, it's their responsible nature that determines how they
react to stress with anxiety disorders. Any successful program in dealing with
those suffering from anxiety attacks, generalized anxiety disorder, and anxiety
disorders must address the responsible nature of the individual to provide
options for them in their everyday duties and relationships. This program is the
one program that does this.
4. Control. Most programs
focus you on gaining control of your life. While that may seem like a desirable
goal, for many reasons, it simply complicates matters and leads more often to
failure. This program teaches you to "flow with it" rather than to "control"
things. Sure to the uninitiated, a person who "flows with it" might look like
he's really great at controlling his life, but not so. It's the subtle
difference that makes "all" the difference in freeing oneself from anxiety
disorders, anxiety attacks, and generalized anxiety disorder.
5. Disappointments. Your
expectations play 100% into your disappointments. And guess what, usually when
there is disappointment, there are some emotions such as frustration, confusion,
uncertainty, boredom, irritability, depression, anger... Zero programs that I've
looked at handle this all important fact. It's like somehow you're just supposed
to know how to deal with these emotions and resultant disappointments. This is
the one program that arms you in the handling of everyday emotions and some "not
so everyday" feelings. Just because you've been walking and breathing on earth
for all these years, you're supposed to know how to breath in space?
Unless the program
you are using addresses all five of these points, it will be no more successful
than placebo--about 30%. This program has a demonstrated success rate of 80%.
And depending on the severity of your symptoms, it may be best to integrate it
with your therapist by giving it to him for guidance. A two hour dvd for the
client, listed below, as well as a five hour training dvd for the therapist,
also listed below, are available.
my first client with whom I discovered this technique did get back to her
"abnormal normal" self, except she ended up being more normal
that abnormal in that her disappointments had solutions. But quite
honestly, don't order this program unless you're willing to play it over
and over and over again on a daily basis. Let your ears hinge on every
word spoken. It's like this, I am a pro at discovering these techniques,
yet I've been the world's worse marketing person (obvious since I'm not on
Ophra Winfrey yet) so I began acquiring cd's to improve my marketing
skills. The methods--although obvious to marketing geniuses--are quiet
alien to my way of thinking. So I listen to the same program fifteen,
twenty or more times and still hear new things being said after pages and
pages of notes. Get the picture? If it were something as simple as adding
cream to coffee to make it taste better, you wouldn't be reading this. If
you watch the dvd once and free yourself of anxiety, you're blessed. If
you watch the dvd 50 times and free yourself of anxiety, you're
Disappointment cd
The cd is
full of many case histories from which one can identify and learn.
Overcome Anxiety/Panic Attacks for the Client. $99.95
$69.95 Pt
I & Pt II -- 2
hr dvd plus 2 cds and Light at the End of the Tunnel for Anxiety/Panic
sufferers plus 15 minutes telephone consultation.
In addition to the dvd or parts I and II--see below for outline of each
part--you will receive:
of Parts I and II which also include bonus tracks (you can listen to the program
as you drive):
How to deal with the
mind's desire to test your improvement along the way.
Outward Observation
Come Disappointment Cd.
at the End of the Tunnel E-book--a $39.95 value.
minutes telephone consultation.
Part I
A one hour dvd program
Why panic/anxiety is a disease of ignorance
Nutritional Component
Why anxiety as opposed to headaches (how personality plays a factor)?
Difference between "Flowing with it" and "Control"
The power of Wakened Hypnosis and the
magic of observation and the dangers of conclusions.
The power of the Cognitive Shift (a simple change in thinking eliminates panic
and anxiety disorders).
Part I by itself can be ordered for only $39.95
Disappointments and
the connection to anxiety.
and dealing with emotions
from disappointments
Part II is the same
as part II in the professional program--click
here Part II
can order the client programs in bulk and save:
2 programs (includes Part I and Part II) for $39. ea.
8 complete programs for $25 each
Anxiety/Panic Attacks for the Professional.
This five hour dvd program plus the cassette includes all of the above and has
everything in cook book style to work with client suffering from panic/anxiety
Click here for details $149.95
*This approach is not intended to replace effective or proper medical treatment,
rather it is intended to augment medical treatment.
Free Report
three hour workshop entitled "Wakened Hypnosis in the treatment of
Anxiety and Panic Attacks —New
Treatment For Anxiety, Panic Attacks And Associated Depression" were
again presented
by Richard Kuhns
B.S.Ch.E. at the National Guild of Hypnosis, NGH, national convention in
New Hampshire Aug 2007.
obtain a video or cd recording of the seminar, contact National Guild of
Hypnotists, Convention Headquarters
5703 Red Bug Lake Rd., #403
Winter Springs, FL 32708
407-678-8956o Fax 407-678-8173
to obtain information regarding registeration for the convention.
of Anxiety:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Generally a low level anxiety that may manifest
itself in typical and atypical symptoms. Typical symptoms are sweaty palms and
arm pits, butterflies is the stomach, generalized feeling of anxiousness,
difficult upper chest breathing, and an extreme desire to get away from where
ever one is. Excuses are made, i.e., go to bathroom, get air, and so on. Atypical symptoms can be something like digestive difficulties.
Typically, a certain stimulus such as a specific location, person, event, or
thing may bring on the anxiety. Untreated, the anxiety becomes generalized to
other stimuli. Usually when the sufferer gets away from the stimulus, the
symptoms subside.
Disorder: Also known as a panic attack. The sufferer has heightened levels of
anxiety with an ultra sense of danger--a tremendous fear of losing fainting .
Breathing is very tight and upper chest (thoracic),
extreme muscle tension in the chest region. In extreme situations, pain in the
chest radiates out the arm and mimics a heart attack. Likewise, a particular
stimulus brings on the panic and if untreated it may become generalized to other
stimuli. Usually when the sufferer gets away from the stimulus, the
symptoms subside.
as agrophobia):
Panic disorder specific to open spaces. The first experience occurs in a large
store, parking lot, or some such location. Soon, the sufferer develops a fear of
open spaces (stimuli) and just being in the proximity brings on an panic attack
with an overwhelming feeling that he/she will faint.
Usually, as they get away from the open space, symptoms subside. Untreated, the
agoraphobia generalizes to other open spaces.
Floating Anxiety: This anxiety, either typical or atypical occurs without any
particular stimulus and seemingly for no apparent reason with all the same
symptoms and fears as with generalized anxiety.
Why does the anxiety become generalized? Usually the first experience with
anxiety takes one off guard and is a surprise. Without direction and supportive
counsel, the person begins worrying about what could be wrong with him/her. They
begin planting suggestions (of course by accident), i.e., "What will I do
if it happens when I'm doing such and such?" They remember the feelings and
wonder what they would do it they happened while giving a talk, or trying to
explain themselves, or while getting on a train, or ..... Before they know it,
what they fear is happening and they become more and more afraid of losing
control. Phobia:
The feelings a phobic feels may be exactly the same as the agoraphobic or the
person suffering from panic disorder feels. In fact, using biofeedback
instruments, one could not tell the difference between a phobic, agoraphobic or
panic disorder. However, the phobic's reactions are to a specific stimulus, i.e.
the fear of heights, bridges, closed spaces, dentists, and so on. If one is
successful in eliminating the stimulus, then you have a perfectly normal person.
Not to say, that one may not have more than one phobia. Even though the symptoms
are very much the same, the path to recovery is entirely different.
Diagnosis can only be made by a trained medical or mental health professional.
Self diagnosis can be misleading and costly in taking one down the wrong
How to deal with anxiety
disorder, panic disorder and agoraphobia: The most effective approach in dealing with anxiety, agoraphobia, and panic
attacks is to seek a medical help and counseling simultaneously. Your physician
will prescribe something like valium, zanex, or zolof (if there's
associated depression).
Let's not get confused. We're
not just talking about simple butterflies in the tummy, this is the kind of
anxiety that sends the sufferer to the emergency room with what is believed to
be a heart attack only to be released hours later with a clean bill of physical
health, a diagnosis of anxiety, and a lot of mental confusion, anguish, and
disbelief. Disbelief in that they (the doctors), must have missed something.
Eventually, this person gets the message and seeks a psychologist or
psychiatrist for the treatment of anxiety disorder In some cases, things get so severe
that hospitalization is necessary.
The person may say, "I was living my abnormal normal life until such and
such a day and then all hell broke lose and I haven't been the same since then.
I just want to get back to my abnormal normal self."
There is good news and there
is bad news. The good news is that once one is willing to get beyond self
berating and face disappointments in life, the symptoms literally disappear. The
bad news is that sufferer often creates expectations from the path to freedom
that set him/herself up for failure. However, when one realized that he/she can
only fail when he/she refuses to learn from mistakes, then additional good news
emerges and the path to freedom from anxiety attacks becomes its own test from which the sufferer of
anxiety disorders and panic can pass again and again until he/she can literally forget
what it felt like to ever have had the problem.
Let's be
honest. If your patient suffers from panic disorder (panic attack) it's
unlikely that this or any program will eliminate the symptoms by itself and it's
unlikely that any medicine or supplement by itself will either. Yet with
prescribed supplements or medicines and this program your patient may save
months or years ineffective of therapy (counseling) and thousands of dollars in
freeing themselves of anxiety disorder, agoraphobia and anxiety disorders.
The key is to direct the counseling in the right direction.
Unfortunately most counseling
is rather nonspecific and literally years of your patient's life can be wasted
in therapy. This is the one program that is specifically
orients you and your patient in the right direction. In fact, if your
patient happens upon this program before you, he/she may use it to direct your
counseling and when you asks, "what would you like to discuss in this session?"
he/she will have a pertinent answer rather than talk about the first thing that
comes to mind.
As you know, your patient's
attitudes contribute to his/her state of mind?
It's well known that attitudes can make you happy,
unhappy, upset, bored, excited... And specifically, a long history of suffering
from generalized anxiety disorder and or anxiety attacks can result in
depression. And this depression spurs more anxiety--a cycle that never seems to
Freeing your patient from panic
disorder (panic attack), and or agoraphobia is as easy as it is to:
1. get away from conclusions and switch to observation.
2. identify the disappointments in one's life.
3. learn to master dealing with disappointment and turn each one into an
The power in the program is the
combination of wakened hypnosis with a cognitive shift. This program uses
hypnosis to enable your patient to identify the disappointments and deal with
them honestly. That honesty will set you free. As the popular commercial says,
"think outside the bun." You patient learns to think differently.
The dvd in easy to understand
terms contains everything necessary to overcome anxiety. This dvd should be
given to each patient to reinforce your first working session with the patient.
It empowers your patient to become his/her best friend instead of being his/her
worst enemy. The fear response is dissected in easy to understand terms such
that your patient will move from attempting to control stress to learning how to
flow with stress. Your patient will understand how his/her personality feeds
into the panic response. Most importantly, the relationship between
disappointment and panic attacks is explained thru which your patient can
successfully refocus away from the flight response and deal with the real
stresses and turn disappointment into opportunity for in reality life is often
more about handling the disappointments than it is about the plans we make.
And for the patient that feels
forsaken by God--life takes on new meaning as they free themselves from self
incrimination and obsessing about the thing they did for which they're being
The cassette tape gives many case histories of how patients refocused for
pointing the direction away from panic to the real issues from which you can
build value in your therapy sessions.
Suppose you can't be hypnotized? Most think of hypnosis as staring at a focal
point, while someone suggests that your eyes are getting heavy and heavier as
you eventually close your eyes and go into a trance. This program does none of
that--wakened hypnosis is used. You never have to close your eyes or even relax.
In fact I've found that kind of hypnosis counter indicative to obtaining
results. In fact that kind of hypnosis can cause panic. Wakened hypnosis, on the
other hand, is done simply through the power of specifically designed
suggestions without relaxation or eye closure.
For example, suppose we wanted to have strangers exiting a building gaze
skyward. Would we suggest that they look up because of some reason, big cloud or
whatever? You could suggest that, but the response would be minimal because we
don't trust strangers and we'd wonder what the ulterior motive was. However, if
located ourselves at a certain position within their view as they exited the
building and timed ourselves to look up our self, most of these strangers would
be curious about what we were looking at and would look up themselves. Because
we modified their behavior, they accepted this form of hypnotic suggestion which
is a form of wakened hypnosis. Obviously, our goal with generalized anxiety
disorder and anxiety attacks is quite different than having strangers gaze
skyward, none the less, wakened hypnosis gets you thinking, "outside the bun."
And for the most part, you might say, as you listen and begin working the
program, "there's no hypnosis, it's just plain old common sense!" And believe
me, what's been, "outside the bun," has been there all along.
How quick are the results? All in
all, everyone is different. One out of 30 people who listen to this program just
once free themselves of anxiety disorders and as if by magic. With all that
they've done, the program is the catalyst that makes it all make sense. But
don't expect it to work that way for every patient. Some patients may not be
that far along the path or they have been going in the wrong direction and it
may take a few weeks with intensive counseling or therapy to put it all
together. And then again, regardless of how many years your patient has
suffered, or how severe the symptoms have been, he/she might already be on that
path far enough such that this program is the catalyst for miraculous results.
Overcoming Disappointment ultimately is the focus for which success is
accomplished. To only focus on getting rid of anxiety thru technique is akin to
using a band aid a deep laceration. By learning to overcome disappointment,
anxiety dissolves. Of course the guidance from point A to point B is what makes
it possible. No other program uses this approach and no other program produces
these dramatic results. Instruct your client to think "outside the box" for
total success.
Why this program? Why not? Order a hundred other programs--they are all very
similar to each other. This is the one that is different and for that reason,
can't be ignored. After all, if you order 10 other programs and still have the
problem, then you need a new approach. It's OK, I never had the benefit of
working with a client who just had his/her first difficulty with anxiety, it's
always been after they've gone through ten or more years of hell,
hospitalizations, behavioral modification, psychotherapy, and so on fighting
generalized anxiety disorder and anxiety attacks. And really, since I'm unable
to physically see your patient or be there to guide you, t
about Guarantee? Go ahead, order the program, use if for a full
days and if
you feel you haven't gained value, or it doesn't do what I say it will, return
it for a full refund within
days of having received it.
Note: no refunds are given on programs
returned before the 30 day period has passed and none given after
days of
having received the program.
CD $24.95
d is replete
with many case histories from which one can identify and learn.
Overcome Anxiety/Panic Attacks for the Client. Pt
I & Pt II-- 2 hr dvd $79.80 $59.95
Disappointments and
the connection to anxiety.
and dealing with emotions
from disappointments
Part II is the same
as part II in the professional program--click
here Part II
can order the client programs in bulk and save:
2 programs (includes Part I and Part II) for $39. ea.
8 complete programs for $25 each
Anxiety/Panic Attacks for the Professional.
This five hour dvd program plus the cassette includes all of the above and has
everything in cook book style to work with client suffering from panic/anxiety
Click here for details $149.95
generalized anxiety disorder
anxiety attacks
anxiety disorders
panic room
For other self
improvement programs visit the following links
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Overcome Shyness
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5 hr. Panic/Anxiety Program on DVD
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