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God or No God?
Many people don't believe in God, why? Maybe it's because their prayers went unanswered. Maybe it's because they saw the silliness of God since there are dozens and dozens of cultures all claiming to have their own God and that their God is the only one. And they ask themselves, "How could any god be the right God?"
The whole concept of God or no god can be very stressful to the believer or non believer. Maybe this article will clear up lots of confusion and reduce that stress. Remember also that connection to God is to connect to abundance and prosperity. Do I believe in God? Yes I do, but not in any way you may have every thought of before. There is not THE God or A God. There is God which is everything and is everywhere. I believe that God is the laws of mathematics. I'm sure that there is some mathematician somewhere reading this thinking, "Finally someone sees the light."
But that's not all God is. He/she/it is also the laws of physics. Do you understand all there is to understand about mathematics and physics? I doubt it. In fact after a few hundred years mathematicians and physicists are still learning more. But why stop there? God is also the laws of chemistry and biology. And guess what? We've only scratched the surface in understanding these laws too.
But one law that's often neglected is the law of probability. So let's say that God is the laws of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and probability.
What is life? Life is the manifestation of the laws of chemistry, mathematics, biology, physics and probability. In fact that's also true for inanimate non living things too although I'm sure you'll find a physicist somewhere claiming that everything is alive to some degree.
You and I are the manifestation of the laws of chemistry, mathematics, biology, physics and probability. You and I are God. And remember, there's a lot we still have to learn about the laws of chemistry, mathematics, physics, biology, and probability. There's a lot we have to learn about God.
Now is God any more than the combination of the laws of physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, and probability? Maybe you think there has to be a consciousness in God.
This is where we get into trouble. For ages and ages humans have thought that the various gods or God has a scheme or plan regarding us humans. Humans have usually use the concept of god to explain what humans didn't understand. There's the god of war, the god of harvest, the god of love, the god of the sea and the list goes on and on. Most are regarded as myths today.
But for centuries, humans have use God to promote their ideas of morality and fairness and when something didn't work out as they desired, hide behind, "It's God's will!"
Years ago I attended al-anon and remember a young lady giving credit to God for her finally finding a place to live. And of course I remember many blaming God for giving them an alcoholic spouse. In one breadth we credit God when things work out well, and in another breadth we blame God when things fall apart.
When one's three year old drowns in the back yard, the minister at the funeral attempts to explain the meaning of it all. Why did God let this happen? So the rest of us can appreciate the life we have might be his answer?
Do the laws of physics, mathematics, chemistry, and probability care if the three year old drowns? Silly question when we look at it that way. Do we humans care if the three year old drowns? Silly question—of course we do and what are we? We're the manifestation of the laws of chemistry, mathematics, physics, biology, and probability.
In fact these laws have combined to provide us a consciousness that most likely includes spirituality.
In fact the manifestation of these laws may make it possible for the spirit to live on after the physical body passes on. These laws may make it possible for communication between the physical and spiritual world. It may be centuries before we actually understand these laws.
The reality is that there is no One God that does the caring or keeps score or watches over us. Each of us have that capability. And guess what, the nosy one watch over others too.
The reality is that God is the scorpion, the termite, the wind, the storm, the earth, the moon, the asteroid, the parasite, the human, the TV, the fire that warms us, the water in which we swim, drink, and bathe, the soap, and everything else we can think of. Everything is the manifestation of the laws of chemistry, mathematics, physics, biology, and probability and so far, only the higher life forms such as humans care one way or another how things turn out. Although its possible that some dogs, cats, and monkeys may have developed this ability to some degree.
You might say that scripture says otherwise. And I will say, "Only the interpretation of scripture says otherwise."
Goddard Neville, (1905-1972) wrote At Your Command which until Dr. Joe Vitalie republished it in 2005 hasn't been published since 1939. Although he never defined God as the laws of chemistry, mathematics, physics, biology, and probability, he reviews scripture in detail and comes to the same conclusion—there is no God who cares although each of us as God do care.
The three year old didn't drown to teach us a lesson in the value of life. He drowned because of the laws of physics, mathematics, biology and probability which includes gravity and how the toddler fell into the pool as he leaned too far over the edge. Whether the parents blame each other and get divorced or whether they honor the opportunity to have known the child for the three years and appreciate life is their choice in his/her absence. Some get lost in depression and alcoholism, whereas others go on to become public speakers and share their experience with others in the hopes of sparing others the same agony and despair.
In summary, when we credit God for the good things and blame him for the bad, it's more appropriate that we look at how the laws of mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology and especially probability played into the outcome and how our own choices based on our own beliefs have contributed to the outcome. It's important to be grateful for everything in our lives and pray to our greater self for creativity in solving our challenges in life. And when the laws of physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, and probability interfere with our plans and desires, that we can handle the resultant disappointment and associated emotion, adapt, and move on.
Resource Box:
Richard Kuhns B.S.Ch.E. NGH certified, a prominent figure in the personal change field. His goal is to provide all the tools one needs to successfully tap into the law of attraction.
For more information please visit
He has several websites with self help materials:
Self help mp3 downloads for you personal change and improvement plan at http://www.DstressDoc.com
How to Build and Improve Self Worth at http://www.SelfEsteemCure.com
Stop Binging and Comfort Eating at http://www.EmotionalEatingCure.com
Over come panic disorder with agoraphobia at http://www.PanicBusters.com
Pendulums for self discovery at http://www.PendulumWarehouse.com
Special Diet for Morgellons and Skin Parasites at http://www.SkinParasitesEbook.com