
How to Build and Improve Self Worth
from "Self"
(free article below)
Overcome Low Self Esteem


The complete Program, parts 1, 11, 111, 1v on 2 CDs   $49.95 

Get Rid of Self Esteem Blues E-book   $21.95

Total Value: $71.90 for just $49.95

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Save money--this program is included in the following series:

Self Esteem Series
  Overcome Panic Series
  Personal Freedom Series for Emotional Health
  Weight Management Series 
Dealing With Rejection Series
 Executive Advancement Series
Overcome Shyness Series.


How to Build and Improve Self Worth From Self 

We are honored for you to reprint the following article as long as you make no changes to the article and publish it along with the author's resource box with no changes.

How to Build and Improve Self Worth for most of us is a challenge. I conducted stress management programs for many years as a workshop facilitator. In the program was a segment on the stress of one's self worth. Inevitably 99% of those attending the programs or those I worked with in private practice had significant self esteem issues. Why?  These were for the most part professionals who were accomplished with good educations. You'd think that with their accomplishments in life, they'd feel good about themselves. 

Let's look at this self esteem thing. When each of us was born most likely we were the apple of one or both parent's eyes. As infants we could do no wrong. Of course there are exceptions to every rule and there were a small percentage of us born to the wrong parents-maybe it was a karmic thing. But it doesn't matter, those born to the "right parents" are no further ahead in the self esteem issue than those born to the "wrong parents."  By in large 99% of us were loved by our parents, grandparents, siblings We were perfect in their eyes. If those feelings of importance would have continued, none of us would have self esteem issues. When did it all change?

Did it change when we cried at night and awakened our parents too often because of colic? Did we want too much attention? Did it happen when we broke an heir loom accidentally? Did we have one too many temper tantrums? Was it something of this nature that angered our parents at which time they realized that we were a pain in the butt? Or did they never waiver in their adoration and we did it to ourselves by comparing ourselves with other kids? Or did we pick up on our parent's lack of self worth?

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I could ask dozens of similar questions and one of them had a "Yes" It could have been as simply being asked what we want to be when we grow up which indirectly says "you're not much now, but one day by having the right career, marrying the right person, doing something like your older brother (sister)...  you'll be somebody."

Or maybe we learned from our parents, teachers, friends that "self praise stinks" and to love yourself is an egoistical thing to do. We adopted behaviors so we'd never be criticized for loving ourselves too much. So we began to play our value down and we ended up believing we have little value.

Of course we observed others too. We saw that when others were successful at something they felt good about themselves. We began believing that accomplishments breed self esteem and that failure breeds self contempt.

When we got compliments from others we felt good about ourselves and when those compliments (for whatever reason) weren't there or we were criticized or even thought someone might criticize us we felt less about ourselves.

The point is at some point, things changed-either we believed undeserved destructive criticism as one might find in an alcoholic family, or we came to our own conclusions that questioned our value. We compared ourselves with others and fell short. Somehow we learned that to feel good about ourselves we had to be accomplished, married or in love with the right person, educated, socially popular, talented, physically attractive And as long as we could measure up to these qualities or goals, then we could feel good about ourselves. If we fell short of achieving our goals (weren't as popular as others, didn't get the best of grades, didn't measure up talent wise...), then we felt less of ourselves.

We even learned that when we're happy we can feel good about ourselves and when we're down, depressed, lonely, in despair, angry, frustrated, there's no reason to feel good about ourselves. We adopted a belief that says that we must have a reason to feel good about ourselves and it should be tempered because if we feel too good we'll appear as being egotistical. 

Building self esteem is something you do everyday. It's to realize that:

 Comparing ourselves to anyone else is to kill self esteem

 Some of our best laid plans (goals) will simply fall through.

 We are emotional beings and rather than be ruled by our emotions we can acknowledge them, embrace them,  and move through them.

 We each are a child of the universe deserving of feeling good about ourselves regardless of what we do or don't do.

 We only feel less about ourselves because of what we've learned to believe.

 Love of our physical, emotional, and spiritual self is deserved and until we can love ourselves, it's unlikely that another can love us.

 Egotistical people really don't love themselves.

 Out of every fallen plan or disappointment is an opportunity to somehow:

     Benefit from it.

     Move beyond it.

     Learn from mistakes.

     Truly forget about it.

     Let it go.

     Profit from the experience.

And then, most importantly, self esteem is something you build everyday by assuring yourself that when things:

 Work out as planned, you like yourself, and that you are a fine person;

 Fall through and you're disappointed, upset, angry that you embrace the emotion and likewise like yourself--that you are a fine person regardless of the outcome. 

Do this daily and feel your self esteem grow.


--end of article--


Resource Box:

Richard Kuhns B.S.Ch.E. NGH certified, a prominent figure in the personal change field. His aim is to make it possible for anyone to improve and build self worth.
For more information please visit 
He has several websites with self help materials:
Self help mp3 downloads for you personal change and improvement plan at
How to Build and Improve Self Worth at
Stop Binging and Comfort Eating at
Over come panic disorder with agoraphobia at
Pendulums for self discovery at
Special Diet for Morgellons and Skin Parasites at


Part I and Part II are the bible for building Self Worth Cd#1 $24.95 

Part III and Part IV is the magic of keeping the self worth that you build everyday by becoming your own best friend and discovering means by which you can profit from disappointment. $24.95

The complete Program, parts 1, 11, 111, 1v on 2 CDs   $49.95 

Get Rid of Self Esteem Blues E-book   $21.95

Total Value: $71.90 for just $49.95

Choose whether you want the self help mp3 downloads or the actual Cds

Digital Download Version
Physical Cd Version


Click here for the five things you need to know about building self esteem and the approaches generally used.


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