Is Constipation Caused by Stress 10/1/19 |
Your Brain is in Communication with Your Gut.
Is Constipation and Intestinal Issues aggravated by Morgellons?
Yes! There is no debate. In fact Morgellons may be an outgrowth of intestinal issues.
However, there are three factors that contribute to constipation.
1. Stress and Anxiety.
2. Foods you are intolerant to.
3. Lack of physical activity and exercise.
Most definitely stress will cause constipation, in addition to accelerating constipation you may well already have.
The Constipation Effect of Stress.
Have you ever had gut-wrenching stress or butterflies in your tummy?
Is this not your body telling you that your gastrointestinal tract and brain are one?
Are you aware that your digestive system and nervous system are connected and are always communicating?
♥ Cleveland Clinic quotes. The enteric nervous system's network of neurons, nerves and neurotransmitters runs along the whole digestive tract, right from the esophagus, to the stomach, the intestines and right down to the anus.
♥ Anxiety and Depression Association of America pints out the gut-brain connection. The gut is full of nerves just like the brain. The gut has the largest area of nerves outside the brain. The brain and the digestive tract have many of the same nerve connections in common.
♥ When stressed, chemicals and hormones released by your body are received by the digestive tract and digestion is compromised. Your gut flora are effected in a negative way diminishing digestion and the production of antibody's are decreased. A chemical imbalance results causing gastrointestinal conditions.
♥ Stress-related gut conditions and symptoms include the following outcomes.
- peptic ulcers
- nausea
- stomach cramps
- diarrhea
- constipation
- loss of appetite
- continual hunger
- indigestion
- (IBS) Irritable Bowel Syndrome
♥ What goes down exactly when you are stressed?
- The enteric nervous system produces most of the bodies serotonin. Serotonin assists digestion by constricting the smooth muscles, which instigate the movement of food in your colon.
- When extreme anxiety is experienced, hormones like cortisol, serotonin and adrenaline are released by the brain. The amount of serotonin is now raised in your gut causing stomach spasms to occur.
- This is the body's flight or fight mode resulting from being physically threatened. Digestion comes to a halt when you are fighting or fleeing.
It's not common that we are physically threatened, however daily we are faced with the stress of life in some way.
-Being late for an appointment causes stress and the release of these toxic fight or flight chemicals into our body.
As strange as it sounds your personality dictates where the stress will be directed. If you are a muscular responder (cold feet/hands) in addition to migraines or Raynauld's disorder. If you are a "Stomach thinker," often you will find yourself in life "between a hard plave and a rock," always saying. "Damn if I don't and damn if I do." This type of personalty often find themselves dependent on their parents, like a mental umbilical cord. Digestive and intestinal issues result when this cord is threatened.
- Should these spasms be isolated to one area of your colon, digestion may halt, resulting in constipation Should these spasms happen throughout your entire colon you may get diarrhea.
♥ What effect does Stress have on your food intake?
- As you eat, the neurons lining your digestive tract send signals to your intestines to contract and process your food. Stress causes a slow down on this digestive process.
♥ Are you eating foods that clog or foods that clean?
♥ Very Well Health lists foods causing constipation.
- White flour in food. Whit flour is the result of wheat that is stripped of it's gut-healthy fiber.
- Meats that are processed are very heavy on your digestive system.
- Greasy and fried foods are also heavy on your digestive system.
- Dairy products.
Are you aware that milk protein has a product called casein in it which is extracted to make strong wood glue?
Wood Guide mentions the many uses of casein wood glue and further states how it was used to assemble WW2 fighter aircraft.
Consuming dairy is the perfect way to glue and clog your colon, results guaranteed every time, over time.
- Red meat from conventional grain-fed raised cows, contain unhealthy fats and proteins contributing to constipation. A healthier option would be grass-fed cattle.
Very Well health gives guidance as how to do the elimination diet to see what will best work for you, and show you what tests you can have done to know your food intolerance's.
♥ How exactly does exercise help with constipation?
- As per WedMD. Constipation is aided by exercise as the time it takes food to move through the large intestine is lowered. This limits the volume of water your body absorbes from the stool. Dry, hard stools are more difficult to eliminate. Aerobic exercise speeds up your heart rate and breathing and stimulates the contractions of your muscles in your intestines naturally. Stools are moved out quickly when intestinal muscles squeeze more efficiently.
Managing stress is one of our goals with the Sunday support group--see below for details and recorded calls.
No matter if it's lack of exercise or foods you eat, stress will further aggravate constipation, and it's not a happy place to be. Now if we add the stress of glyphosate (Round-Up Herbicide) to your body, all hell can break loose.
In addition to glyphosate being a herbicide, it is also a mild antibiotic. Millions and millions of pounds of it have been used on crops since the 90's. Its used on crops that are fed to livestock from which we get our beef, pork, chicken, lamb, and so on. It's water soluble and gets into our waterways. Ultimately it gets into our non organic food supply and into our bodies. Being a mild antibiotic, years and years of exposure results in it destroying our healthy flora in our intestinal track leading to leaky gut syndrome. But it doesn't stop there, it affects blood barriers in our sinuses and brains, for instance.
Dr Zack Bush in the series GMO's Revealed claims it to be the force behind the explosion of children born with autism, diabetes, auto immune diseases, and even Lyme disease to name a few. Being that research links Lyme disease to Morgellons, we can also declare Morgellons as part of this explosion.
Suddenly, stress and the gut take on a different meaning as the gut's defenses have been eroded away resulting with stress running wild with our digestive tract.
Knowing what contributes to constipation, you now have the tools to Listen to Your Body and supplement to elevate your wellness.
Do you now understand how your emotions and thoughts are intricately connected to the results in your digestion process, and how you can change this by working progressively with your mind to Manage Stress.
“All Dis-ease Begins in the Gut.”
- Hippocrates -
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